What is Retail PLM?

This is your complete guide to PLM for retail, how it works and why modern retailers need PLM to stay competitive, speed up product launches and work more efficiently.

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#DriveGrowth #BringAmazingProductsToMarket #MaximizeProductLaunchSuccess

Product is key and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) drives product innovation, product diversity and successful product launch. PLM is no longer a nice to have, but is now a foundation technology that drives operational efficiency and business growth by uniting all product and retail contributors from buyers to merchandising to design, development sourcing, compliance and quality, retail and more. Providing one source of the truth of product related information, people use PLM to collaborate and work together when ideating, developing, producing and bringing products to market for all channels and geographies. Without PLM, companies are faced with a chaotic collection of spreadsheets, file storage, emails, telephone calls and meeting where people try to align and collaborate, often working from wrong or out of date information. It is impossible to make good decisions when you are constantly fighting fires.
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Meet Some of Our Retail PLM Customers

Retailers all around the world trust Centric Retail PLM solutions, which include core PLM, extended PLM, PLM mobile apps and PLM digital boards. We have developed our PLM software and retail best practices hand in hand with our customer innovation panel and Customer Advisory Board. Hundreds of live and happy projects later, we are retail PLM experts. Who are some of the companies that helped us develop Centric Retail PLM and drive our technology roadmap?  

What Does Retail PLM Do?

Your questions about PLM for retail, answered based on the extraordinary opportunity we’ve had to work with so many market-leading, innovative retailers.
什麼是 PLM?

產品生命週期管理 (PLM) 是一項連接零售業各方面的數位技術。從產品概念/設計概要到供應商報價,再到商店、批發和電子商務,價值鏈的每一步都使用相同、最新且可靠的單一產品資料源。這代表從產品設計師、商品人員再到供應商,大家都從相同來源取得資料,減少了上市時間和成本。

為何零售商需要使用 PLM?

“零售業 PLM 顯著改善了產品開發創新、加強供應商的合作,以及推動共同創造產品,讓多類別零售團隊能夠更快將合適的自有品牌和經銷品類別推向市場。它使得多類別零售商能夠為客戶提供最廣泛的產品選擇,以獲得絕對的最佳經濟效益。鞏固他們在一年四季及各種場合提供一站式服務給客戶的地位。它對從溝通、合規到品質等方面都帶來變革性的影響,甚至可以因應關稅、變動的成本和波動的匯率。

瞭解 Centric PLM™ 推動零售轉型的 10 種方式,以提升您的營運績效”

零售業 PLM 如何推動數位轉型?

零售業 PLM 是數位轉型的基礎。無論是多通路、全通路還是全零售,產品和人員都是任何零售業務的核心。部署零售業 PLM,以促進產品創新、推動供應鏈效率、減少浪費、加快推出產品的速度,還有更多優勢!

PLM 如何幫助因應變動的關稅?

“不時會發生超出多類別零售商掌握範圍外的變化,必須具備快速反應的靈活身段來因應這些變化。關稅便是其中一個完美例子。Centric PLM™ 協助零售商能夠靈活應付關稅、原材料訂價、匯率等不斷變化的經濟條件。

瞭解美國鞋業公司 Cobian 如何使用 Centric PLM™ 解決中國進口商品的關稅問題。”

零售業 PLM 裡的商品規劃功能,如何發揮它的作用?

“商品人員可以利用零售業 PLM 中的商品規劃功能,取得所需的準確和最新資訊,以制定財務計畫、構建新的品類、有效結轉前幾季的經銷品和自有品牌產品,並且與設計、產品開發、採購團隊合作。商品人員可以不用再猜測,而是根據準確、可採取行動的資訊做出決定。永遠擺脫掉試算表吧!



使用零售業 PLM 來共同發布和回應設計提案、追蹤和遵守複雜的法規和品質要求、以簡化的採購實務項目來對抗利潤壓力、推動大宗採購、利用供應商入口網站來推動高效率的的供應商共同進行創造,以及從單一具有最新供應商和材料資訊的平台進行採購。甚至還能使用 Centric PLM™ 行動應用程式來進行工廠稽核和管理產品品質,並即時與產品團隊分享資訊,以便迅速採取改善措施。


“數位協作正如其名 – 使用數位工具和資訊進行協作。各種最新的產品開發資訊都集中在一個任人存取的地方,此舉可以減少誤差、打破資訊孤島、串連了同一間辦公室或世界各地的團隊、加強與供應商的溝通、利用所有產品相關人員的知識,以及善加使用時間。促進產品可視性,推動更快做出更好、更明智的決策,進而提升競爭優勢。


PLM 是否有助於實行永續發展及合規性計畫?

是的,它有辦法。零售商使用 PLM 來追蹤各自有品牌或與供應商共創產品,對環境和社會所造成的影響。由於零售業 PLM 能夠提高產品的可視性,零售商能夠有效評估其永續發展計畫的成效。零售商還能用它來管理合規計畫,確保內部和供應鏈遵守永續發展準則,為消費者提供更多透明度。進一步瞭解。

PLM 如何推動零售業進行轉型,以確保品牌長盛不衰?

PLM 是一個推動零售業進行轉型的數位平台,使零售商能夠:


Retail PLM Empowers Strategic Decision Making & Operational Execution

Centric Retail PLM is an innovative software technology, collection of best practices and change management initiatives that help retailers achieve strategic and operational retail transformation goals. Get the in-depth details on how and why it works.

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